Who Needs to Register? - How to Register - Studio Policies & Reminders

Registration is designed for students who are 2 - 18 years of age (until the completion of high school) for all Regular and Summer Classes, Summer Camps, Intensives, Workshops and Master Classes. There is only a registration fee for Regular Session Classes. All prices can be found on the Class Info page and in the Registration Packets.
Adults 18+ years of age must register but there is NOT an adult registration fee. You may purchase an "Adult Class Card" with a pre-set number of classes on it and use this card for any class that is marked with an * on the class schedules. You can attend as frequent or infrequent as you prefer and your card does not expire! We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cards.
Currently enrolled students who are considering adding a class can try a different style class one-time for free. Siblings of currently enrolled students can also try a class one-time for free.
New students who are not yet registered may purchase a one-time “Trial Class” pass to experience a class before enrolling. Participating in a Trial Class does NOT guarantee a spot in the class.
All Trial Classes are based on availability and must be reserved prior to the class.
1. Please download the appropriate registration packet. You can also pick up registration packets from both Dance Xplosion offices, or call/email us and we will mail or fax you a packet. NOTE - there is NO online class registration.
Fall 2011 - Spring 2012 Class Registration Packet
Registration is OPEN for ALL interested students
Trial Class Registration Packet
Registration is OPEN for ALL interested students
Fall 2011 - Spring 2012 Master Class Registration Packet
Adult "Class Card" Registration Packet
2. Contact us to confirm availability in your desired class(es). We can assist you in choosing the appropriate classes/levels. Please check on-line for the most accurate class schedules.
3. Carefully read all Policies and information, and complete all forms.
4. To reserve your place in class you must pay ALL required enrollment costs, as stated in your registration packet, upon submitting your registration forms. We do not pro-rate registration fees. You can pay tuition via check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.
5. Once complete, please turn in your forms and payment to either Dance Xplosion front desk. You may also fax or scan/email the completed forms: (512) 727-8593 or [email protected]. Both fax and email are sent to the Studio Owner's secure inbox.
6. If you need to withdraw your dancer from class you must submit the Withdrawal Form via email or to either front desk prior to the 1st of the next month.
Please review a Registration Form (above) for the full list of Dance Xplosion policies. Thank you!
Tuition: Monthly tuition is non-refundable and must be paid in full before 8am on the 10th, September - May. Monthly tuition statements are emailed as a courtesy, but no statements will be mailed. If the email is not received (blocked by spam, etc) tuition is still due. A $10 late fee will be added to your account if full tuition is not received BEFORE the 10th. If tuition and late fee are not paid by the 3rd week of the month, students may only observe class.
Tuition: Tuition each month remains the same regardless of the number of lessons and/or weeks in a month, regardless of holidays and the student’s attendance, and regardless of extended travel by the student.
Attendance: Consistent attendance is extremely important for a student’s development as a dancer and for their understanding of responsibility and commitment. If a student is injured we highly encourage them to observe class. NO REFUNDS or CREDITS ARE PROVIDED FOR MISSED CLASSES .
Make-Up Classes: Only students who call the office within 24 hours of an absence are allowed to make-up missed class(es). You may choose any same-age, same length class as a make-up. YOU MUST CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR MAKE-UP CLASS IN ADVANCE OR YOU MAY NOT BE PERMITTED TO TAKE THE CLASS, AS IT MAY BE TOO FULL.
Late Arrivals: Students arriving late may be asked to observe class, as missing warm-up can cause injury. This is up to the teacher’s discretion. Make-ups are not given for students who arrive late. Students entering late should enter during a stoppage in music/activities. PLEASE, be respectful of this.
Dress Code: Dressing appropriately for class is of utmost importance for the safety of students, to allow for proper instruction, and to show respect to the art form of dance. Students who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to observe (no make-up class will be provided). WHEN OUTSIDE THE STUDIO, STUDENTS SHOULD WEAR COVER-UPS & NON-DANCE SHOES..
Observation: Parents are encouraged to watch class through the observation windows. It is the teacher’s discretion if she/he would like the blinds opened or closed. Please do not ask the teacher to open the blinds if they are closed. Please do not enter the studio room during a class session for any reason. The instructor will contact parents/staff if assistance is needed.
Lost and Found: Lost and found items are placed in a designated bin in the bag area. Unclaimed items are donated at the end of each semester. Dance Xplosion and staff are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please check the bin frequently.
Parent-Teacher-Studio Communication: The DXP desk is staffed while classes are in session, but should you have a question/comment/concern and no office staff is immediately available please (1) drop a note in the drop-box near the desk (2) call the studio – leave a V.M. if no one answers (3) send an email. Should you need to speak directly with your child’s teacher, please write her/him a note or leave a message on the studio V.M and it will be passed on to the teacher. In an effort to keep classes running on time and instruction at its best, please do not interrupt instructors unless it is an absolute emergency.
Safety: Safety is of utmost importance at DXP! To ensure a safe experience please instruct your child to remain inside the studio for the duration of their time at dance. Students should be dropped off no more than 10 min prior to class and should be picked up no more than 5 min after. Students younger than 7 should be met at the DXP door when exiting, as opposed to them walking through the parking lot alone. We are not responsible for students before/after their class time, or after they exit the studio, as we are not equipped to care for students outside of class time. For older students, please talk with them about safety if they will be walking to and from Starbucks, Subway, etc as so many of them choose to do. They should all be in cover-ups!
Important Reminders:
*No jewelry (stud earrings are okay)
*No food or drink is permitted in the dance rooms at any time (bottles of water with lids/caps are okay)
*NO GUM anywhere in the studio
*Teachers reserve the right to dismiss any student who continuously disrupts class
*Please pick up after yourself in the lobby area, restroom… Thank you for your help with this!
*Siblings waiting in the lobby must be supervised at all times. Movies and books are provided to entertain. No running, yelling, climbing or rough-housing is permitted. Empty dance rooms are off-limits as they are not play areas.
*Try your best, be creative, and HAVE A GREAT TIME!!! (top)